Chapter Four
"Next order of business." Nayla kept her posture straight and her face solemn as she looked around at the table of men, hoping they wouldn't guess what--or who--was on her mind.
She shifted on her throne, her pussy moistening from the mere memory of how he'd pleased her the night before. After he'd tied her up and claimed her with his beautiful cock, he'd softened to her touch. And now she wanted nothing more than for this day to be over so she could visit him again.
To imagine a Were had captured her desires so thoroughly that she could think of nothing else. She pictured him in her mind as she'd said goodbye, leaving him tangled in bed sheets. She remembered clearly how in between the glimpses of anger, he'd looked at her as if he'd known her a hundred years.
Even though there was an obvious war in his mind, his taming had been easy. She only hoped he wouldn't regret the passion they'd shared. She hoped he wouldn't regress and give in to the rage.
"My Queen?" Fenton, her appointed councilman from the lower valley, broke her thoughts. "The coven of witches I warned you about has threatened to stop the flow of the river that leads to Webster's Farm. They insist Webster owes them monetary compensation for services rendered."
Nayla held back a sigh. Was there ever a session when Fenton didn't bring up the witches? Like many of Paqualette's residents, he feared the power of the coven but for all Nayla knew, the witches stayed to themselves and never caused any trouble.
"What services?" she asked, more curious than anything else.
"They insist they're the reason Webster's fields are thriving with wheat." Fenton cleard his throat. "He'd allegedly gone to them during the drought and asked them to cast a spell for precipitation."
"Ah. And Webster denies this claim?"
"No, my Queen, he doesn't deny requesting the spell, but he does deny the coven was the reason the drought was broken."
Nayla tapped her foot on the floor. Webster always was a cheap son of a bitch. "If the coven wishes to stop the river from flowing to Webster's Farm then so be it. But I ask that they allow it to flow beyond the farm so no others are harmed."
"My Queen, the coven has no proof--"
"Please, Fenton, the drought lasted for weeks. I'd wondered myself if the witches had any part in the recent rain. Whether it's true or not, they'll have to work it out amongst themselves."
"But nothing. Is there any other business before I adjourn?"
"My Queen." Saul stepped from the shadows in the corner of the room.
"Yes, Saul?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have a problem with your WereSlave."
The image of Mace's naked body popped into her mind. Defined muscles, tanned skin, sleek build, enticing cock. She tilted her head down, trying to hide the heat that crawled up her neck to her cheeks. Then she guided Saul to the corner of the room, for some privacy. "What of him?" she asked, keeping her voice low.
"He allowed us to move him into your personal chambers as you requested but he has refused to eat or allow us to properly contain him." Saul drew his salt-and-pepper eyebrows together. "We've tried to respect him as your property, my Queen, but it's nearly impossible. He's said he won't eat until the prisoners in the dungeon are given proper care. And he wants proof of it."
"Well," Fenton muttered, clearly having heard Saul's words. Murmurs from the men worked their way around the table.
Wonderful. Nayla shot them a warning glare. "Continue on with the meeting, gentlemen. This conversation is none of your concern."
The men bristled but they obeyed and began discussing the next order of business. When she was certain everyone, including Fenton, had given their attention elsewhere, she turned back to her guard.
"Thank you for coming to me with this, Saul." Lord, how would she deal with this? "Have any Queens from the past had this problem?"
"No, my Queen. This is new. I'm afraid you may have chosen the alpha male of the pack. I've heard they're more resistant to taking orders and are difficult to tame."
"I see." So Mace was their leader. He'd certainly proven to her he was a clever being. His tongue was sharp and his mind quick. But what did that say of his pack? Even if they were all intelligent beings, did that stop them from killing? Or did their intellect help them from being caught? If the Great War had proven anything, it had shown how savage the Weres could be. They'd attempted to take over the entire continent, but humans, with help from the Vampires, had thwarted their efforts and nearly exterminated them. Now, only a minute number of packs roamed the continent.
Nayla pressed her fingers to her temples. Yes, Weres were dangerous. She'd experienced that firsthand. But Mace hadn't hurt her last night. She couldn't deny that. He'd pleased her and then he'd let her slip from the bed without a scratch.
In any case, she couldn't be certain she was making the right decision by starving the prisoners. She jutted out her chin, satisfied with her decision. "Until I'm confident the Weres in the dungeon are a threat, I want them to be fed and cleaned, starting with the women. If any cause trouble, their privileges will be revoked. Understood?"
Saul nodded. "Yes, my Queen."
"My Queen?" Fenton stood, interrupting again. The room grew silent and all eyes looked to her. "I couldn't help but overhear. I don't mean to speak out of place, but--"
"Then don't, Councilman." Why did the man continually question her?
"The people will not like your decision, my Queen. Surely, you must know that."
"I'm aware the people are frightened of the Weres but I'm not wavering on this ruling. If you want to take issue with it, bring it to the next session. This one is adjourned." Nayla took a deep breath. She rarely went against her country's popular opinion but her gut told her she needed to do it just this once.
And she refused to even consider having Mace taken away from her. No, not after last night. Not after she realized what she'd been missing. If the country didn't allow her to have a husband, fine. But she wouldn't give up her new lover now, or possibly ever.
* * * * *
Nayla put her ear to the door but couldn't hear a sound. What was he doing in there? In her bed chambers. And what the hell had she been thinking when she'd requested he be sent here? A moment of temporary insanity, she supposed. There was a lot of that happening lately.
In her post-orgasm haze, she'd asked Saul to move him to her room, which was usually her safe haven, not to be shared with anyone. In fact, she'd rarely even allowed the maids to enter. If it hadn't been for that fleeting fantasy of having Mace's warm body share her bed every night he would still be locked up in the transition cell.
Oh well. What's done is done.
Besides, Saul had assured her they'd shackled his ankles to the floor. But they hadn't restrained his wrists. He was too powerful. Thankfully, they'd been able to board up the windows so he couldn't transform. At least there was that.
She held tight to the food tray the chef had prepared for Mace and nodded to one of the three guards standing nearby. "Could you open the door for me now?"
"Yes, my Queen. Will you need assistance inside your chambers?" the red-headed young man asked, his cheeks blushing with each word spoken.
"No, thank you. I'm sure I'll be fine, just as I was last evening."
He nodded and removed the multiple locks from the door before pushing it open. Nayla stepped inside her room and immediately recognized the new musky aroma mixed in with the usual mild lavender scent. Something wild and alluring. Something a lot like Mace.
She closed the door behind her and let her eyes adjust to the dim room. To the left, a lit oil lamp sat on her bedside table. Her bed was empty, sheets rumpled. Where was he? Wouldn't her guards have chained him to the bed?
Her heart sped as she took in the rest of the room, only to feel him, too late, come up behind her and cup his hand over her mouth. His other arm held her close to his hard body, forcing her to drop the tray of food.
She gasped and tried to wriggle from his grasp, but his grip was unyielding.
"My Queen," the guard yelled through the door. "Are you all right?"
"Tell them you're fine and I won't hurt you," Mace whispered roughly in her ear and slowly lifted his hand from her mouth.
Nayla swallowed any rising fear, hoping the Were would be as reasonable as he'd been the night before. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you. I, uh, merely tripped."
"Are you sure, my Queen? Would you like any assistance?"
"No! No, everything is fine. I have everything under control." She hoped. She waited for the guard to say more but heard nothing but silence.
"Very good, Nayla." Mace slid his searing hand down her neck and rested it on her shoulder. "Now, I don't have to hurt you," he took her earlobe into his hot mouth and gently pulled it between his teeth, "much."
A shiver rolled down her spine, but she ignored his attempt to rattle her--and the growing need to feel his mouth on other parts of her body. "I brought you some food. You must be hungry."
"I told your guards I'm not eating until my pack is cared for. Didn't they pass the word or are they as obtuse as their Queen?"
"I beg your pardon?" She jerked away from him and realized he'd let her go too easily. What was his game?
He stood before her naked with a roguish grin on his face. She'd almost forgotten how stunning he was. Almost. Her heart thumped and her temperature rose a few degrees as she searched his lean, muscled body for any type of restraint. But there were none.
"What? Are you feeling shy all of a sudden?" He gripped his beautiful cock. "Did you forget how this felt inside you?"
"That's not an appropriate way to speak to me." Her voice squeaked when she spoke and perspiration dampened her skin. Yes, she remembered exactly how he'd felt inside her. And she wanted it again.
"No? I'm simply beginning from where we left off last night." He took a step closer. "No 'fuck me, Mace' tonight? No 'have my body as you wish'?"
"That was in the throes of passion." She stepped back.
"Be honest, Nayla. You want me chained. That's what heats your blood, isn't it? A WereSlave to fulfill your perverted desires." His smile broadened.
"I'm not a pervert. Many Queens before me have chosen a Were as a lover for...for our needs. It's very common."
In a fluid motion, he closed the distance between them and lifted his hands to cup her face. "What if I don't wish to be chosen as your sex slave?" Frowning now, his gaze lingered on her lips. "What if I choose to kidnap you? What if I tied you up and used your body whenever I had needs? Would that make me an animal?"
Finally, his somber eyes met hers. She wasn't sure what to think. He seemed so human, yet everything she'd ever learned about werewolves had told her they were animals.
And what they'd done to her parents--and to her.
She shook her head as resentment rose back to the surface, but thought she'd better not argue. Not when he was unchained. How much would it take for him to snap and kill her? She needed to soothe him. "I, uh, I ordered my guards to feed and clean the members of your pack." She gestured toward the mess on the floor. "That's why I brought you food."
"How thoughtful of you." He dropped his hands from her face and Nayla hated that she missed their warmth. "How do I know you're not lying?"
"Right." She remembered he'd asked for proof. "If you're chained I can escort you to the dungeon."
He lifted a dark eyebrow. "What is it with you and the chains?"
"How else can I trust that you won't escape or try to hurt anyone?"
He chuckled. "Trust me? You're alone with me in a dark bedroom. Last night, I penetrated your body and made you scream my name. Do you know how many chances you've given me to hurt you? To kill you?"
"You wouldn't dare." God, she hoped not.
"And yet you don't trust me. Why is that?" A wild spark glinted in his eyes and his gorgeous lips curled up to a half-smile.
Nayla stood speechless. She didn't know how to answer his question and she didn't know how to stanch the raw need surging through her body. Her fingers itched to touch him, despite the ill will she held for his species. He was so close and... She glanced down to his solid erection. He wanted her too.
She licked her dry lips. "I trust us. Together."
* * * * *
Mace raked his gaze down to the lush cleavage spilling from her dress. He gave up trying to fight the attraction. It was an impossible mission. The wolf inside of him, the part that was difficult to control, was clawing to be released, weakening his human side. It had been too long since he'd transformed, too long since he'd felt the moon's empowering glow.
He gritted his jaw. How simple it would be to break through the boarded windows and run into the night. But leaving wasn't an option as long as his pack was imprisoned. Which wouldn't be for much longer if Nayla was honest about agreeing to feed them. If it were true, soon they might have enough strength to overpower the guards.
With his naive Nayla occupied, they might have a better chance.
"Do you trust me, Mace?" She stared up at him, her eyes glossy against the dim light of the oil lamp. "I promise I'll make your life pleasant. And I'll be loyal to you." She brushed her fingers down the center of his abdomen and her voice dropped to a sensual whisper. "If you continue to satisfy me, I'll give you my all."
His stomach clenched against her touch as pressure built in his groin. No, he'd not be so foolish as to put his life in this woman's hands. But he'd gladly allow her to satisfy him for now. And, damn it if he didn't want to give her more pleasure.
Like an addict reaching for his drug, Mace seized her wrist and pressed her hand against his erection. His blood coursed through his body, rushing toward her touch as she wrapped her cool, soft fingers around his cock.
He inhaled a rough breath and guided her up and down his shaft. With his hypersensitive Were senses on overload, he caught the musky scent of her pussy as she grew moist for him.
His balls knotted achingly tight. "Have you ever had a man in your mouth, Nayla?"
She shook her head and looked up at him. "No. I'd like to try it, though. I want to taste you. Every part of you."
He swallowed any hope of denying her this evening, wondering how he'd found himself in this predicament, yearning for a beautiful woman who was also his captor. The same woman who'd starved his pack and imprisoned them in filth. If he hated her, all this would be simpler, but every nerve in his body deceived him by craving her.
He brought his hand up to brace the back of her neck. With a firm hold, he pulled her with him as he found a wall to lean against, then eased her down to her knees. She went willingly but pursed her lips, probably holding back a scowling remark about how she, the Queen, shouldn't be treated this way. But he didn't give a damn. He refused to be her whipping boy. If she wanted this affair, it would be on his terms.
Her hands trembled as she held his base. "I've seen it done and I know I can be good at it."
Not the response he'd been expecting. He released her neck and used his hand to sweep the tip of his cock across her parted lips. With her kneeling in front of him, looking up at him with glossy eyes, all he desired was to be deep in her mouth.
She licked the path he'd made with his pre-cum. "Mmm," she said so softly he barely heard.
But he did hear it. And it ignited him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and his balls tightened, begging for release. "Please, Nayla."
A mischievous smile curved her moist lips before she gripped the base of his cock with both hands and slowly twirled her pink tongue around his engorged head.
"Oh, God." He pressed his palms against the cold, solid wall behind him.
She took his head into her mouth then, soaking him in her warmth. The sight of her lips wrapped around him was breathtaking. Her sweet, innocent appearance colliding with crude passion as his dick corrupted her virgin mouth.
"More," he said coarsely and braced her neck again. "Please take more." He nudged his erection farther into her mouth and she moaned against it, swirling her slippery, velvet tongue along each side.
One of her hands grabbed his hip as the other continued to squeeze his shaft. Her lips tightened around him as she grew hungrier, greedily sucking him in until he was snug against the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat.
"Nayla, you're so good. So very good." He thrust his hips forward, wanting desperately to fuck her lush mouth.
She sucked harder as her tongue ran against the bottom of his cock. The pressure was fierce and growing inside him. He dragged breaths of air into his parched lungs as all blood rushed to his groin. She was relentless and oh-so eager to please him, to taste him.
He cried out a violent sound and jerked against her mouth, shooting his hot cum into the back of her throat. She released him and swallowed, wiping her swollen lips with the back of her hand.
His rough breathing calmed as she stood before him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her body was soft and the scent of lust was even stronger, causing his cock to stiffen again.
"I think I deserve a kiss now." She bit into her bottom lip.
What? He swiped the sweat from his brow. "A kiss?"
"You haven't kissed me yet. Did you realize that?"
Ah. He was well aware he'd avoided that type of intimacy, something he'd left behind with the memory of Elizabeth. A fuck was a fuck but a kiss led to emotions. Or at least it had with his late wife.
"I don't kiss," he said simply.
"Ever? Or just me?"
He shook his head, ignoring the irrelevant question. "When do I get to see my pack?"
"When will you kiss me?" She looked straight into his eyes, not allowing him to avoid her question.
He couldn't help but smile. "Are we bartering?"
"I do what I must to get what I want and I very much would like your lips on mine."
"Let me get this straight. All I have to do is kiss you and you'll take me to my pack without chains."
"Yes. It's a simple request, don't you think?" She nuzzled up against his neck and licked a spot below his ear.
Bold woman, but, God, so irresistible. "All right." What could it harm? Besides, he wasn't as weak as he'd once been. He had a strong mind and body. And, he admitted to himself, he'd wanted to taste her full red mouth since he'd laid eyes on it.
"Yes?" She smiled and crushed her soft breasts harder against his chest.
With a breath, he summoned all his strength. "Don't get excited. It'll mean nothing."
"Oh. I...well, that's fine with me." Her smile faded and he almost regretted being cruel to her.
His gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips. They were plump and smooth and they were drawing him in. Not since Elizabeth had he wanted to kiss a woman more. And as soon as he gave himself permission, need overtook him. He ducked his head and took her sweet mouth.
Fervent and fiery, their lips met but it wasn't enough. He gathered her closer with one arm around her tiny waist and a hand to cup her jaw. Her tongue surprised him by flicking out and into his mouth. He quickly obliged her by meshing it with his own. She tasted like his earthy scent but sweetened with her own pleasing flavor. Nectar-sweet, like a peach he could bite into. Rich and tempting.
He wanted to consume her, lick and nibble her body from her lips to her ripe pussy. He wanted to possess her, make her his.
No, that was just his reignited hard-on speaking for him. Or his need to protect and dominate. Having this delicate woman in his arms was confusing him. Her soft, supple curves molded to his hard male lines, diminishing the small bit of command he had left.
He told himself to pull away from her intoxicating mouth but it was useless. She tasted too good, felt too right.
Damn her. He wanted more.
Impatience, anger and desire fueled him as he raised her skirt and tore away the fabric that separated her from his need to fill her.
He silenced her with a firm kiss, pressing hard against her lips, entangling his tongue with hers. His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her with him to the floor, lifting her and setting her on top of his lap.
Not a moment passed before his cock found the entry to her taut, wet pussy. He guided her down, stretching her inch by slow inch until he filled her completely. Encompassing, snug and warm. So fucking perfect.
A small sound of satisfaction escaped her throat and she nipped his bottom lip with her teeth, drawing blood.
He didn't care. His attention centered on her muscles clenched tight against his throbbing shaft. With his help, she rose slightly and sank back down. Up and then down. He dug his heels into the floor and thrust up to meet her each time. Their shared groans of rising pleasure seemed to draw them closer, into their own bubble of ecstasy. Nothing else mattered but their inevitable release.
Her juices trickled from her pussy onto his testicles and he knew she was close to coming.
Oh, hell.
He dropped his bloody mouth from hers and kissed and licked the valley between her ample breasts, tasting his coppery blood mix with her salty skin. Her breasts bounced with her steady up-and-down movements. So lovely. He only wished he'd taken the time to shred the dress from her body, like he had the night before. He wanted her naked and vulnerable. From memory, he knew every inch of her was exquisite. And his. She was his.
Nayla belonged to him.
No man would ever have her like this. No man would ever make her whimper and sweat with passion. Not if he could help it.
Her fingernails bit into his shoulders and she moaned softly against his ear. "Come inside me, Mace. Please."
He shook his head but continued, grasping her supple ass and quickening his pace. Thrusting his hips up faster and harder while he held her flesh in his hands.
So damn good.
But not enough.
The wolf inside him begged for more. Her kiss, the taste of her mouth, had twisted something inside of him and he was losing control. A growl ripped through his throat and he found himself jumping to his feet, holding her tight to his body.
She wrapped her legs around him as he turned and pushed her against the wall. "Mace, what are you doing?"
Hot blood pounded against his temples and in his groin, making him crazy. What was wrong with him? It didn't matter. He'd give in to his wolf side. He had no choice. He only hoped he wouldn't lose Nayla's trust, if he ever had it.
And the chance to visit his pack.
* * * * *
The cold brick wall scraped against Nayla's back but she didn't complain. She'd gotten her wish. A kiss. A heart-stopping kiss. His taste was much like his alluring scent, wild and magnetic. It reminded her of her walks through the forest and the rush of the creek. Crisp and fresh and untamed.
She pressed her lips to his again and pushed her tongue inside. She could drink from him if he let her. Nibble on his lips, suck on his tongue. Now that she knew how he tasted from his mouth to his delicious cock, she would never let him go.
He groaned as she devoured him with her desperate kisses. Mercilessly, he began thrusting his hard length into her pussy. His hips ground into her and his steel chest crushed her against the rough wall.
She tightened her legs around him and tried to meet his thrusts, ignoring the pain in her back. One of his hands gripped her bottom and the other clawed at her breast, ripping at her fabric. Yes. God, yes. She wanted to be free of her clothes so she could feel him against her, bare and exposed for his touch.
Like animals. Yes, just like an animal. He could have her that way. He could have her any way.
He wrenched away from her mouth and dipped his head to her beaded nipple. His teeth were sharp as he took her flesh into his mouth. Nayla watched him, unable to tear her eyes from his beauty as he sucked, then nibbled, then scraped his teeth across her flesh, nicking her skin.
A drop of blood ran down the curve of her breast and he licked at it. "Sorry," he murmured and lapped his tongue over the path again. "I'm losing control. You make me lose control."
"It's fine." She constricted her pussy walls. "Keep going. I can take it."
He groaned again, but this time the sound rumbled through his body, coming from somewhere deep inside him. His pupils blackened, eating away any trace of blue.
Then, deep inside of her, she felt his cock swell, stretching taut against her channel. She bit into her lip and grasped his rigid shoulders as warmth shot through her belly and down her thighs. "Ah," she gasped. "What's happening?"
She didn't hear if he answered her. Her mind could only concentrate on the rush of pleasure surging through her body. She closed her eyes and reveled in the way he began to slowly move his thick length inside of her. Her thighs and pussy pulsated with heat. A cry stuck in her throat and finally broke loose when he quickened his pace, ramming her into raw oblivion. "Yes. Yes! Oh, oh, Mace. Oh, God!"
Control was no longer an option as she dropped her head on his shoulder and released every balled-up nerve in her body. They all sang and tingled and then gushed with bliss.
He held her up as her legs went limp, his hands clasping her thighs. Then he grunted and drove into her two more times before giving in to his own release with a fierce, painful-sounding growl. His hot liquid shot inside of her, causing her to shudder again.
"Ah," she moaned and pressed her lips to his neck.
Her mind was in a haze as he carried her to the bed and laid on top of her, his swollen cock still inside of her.
"You're hard," Nayla whispered against his ear. "But I felt you come."
A devilish grin cut across his lips. "I thought you could take it."
"I can. It's just I thought men needed to rest afterward. My ex-lover always--"
"I don't want to hear about another man." He avoided eye contact while making quick work of ripping the torn dress from her body.
Was that jealousy? She bit back a grin. Was it possible that this Were was starting to have feelings for her? Or was this simply his dominant nature? Saul had said he was the alpha of his pack. The leader. Always in charge and never anyone's second.
In any case, he demanded respect. Which posed a huge problem. How would she ever keep him here with her, as her companion, as her WereSlave lover if he couldn't be tamed? There wasn't a submissive bone in his body.
She gulped down the question as he spread her naked thighs and thrust his hips forward. Her pussy quivered with aftershocks. He felt so good. So right.
He slid his slick cock out halfway before driving himself back in. Then again and again. He was unquenchable and she so very much wanted to please him. Anything to make him realize he'd be happy here with her.
Grabbing her knees, she pulled up her legs and opened wider for him. The movement made her passage exceptionally taut. More important, it made him moan with pleasure.
His body trembled and with a jerk and one last thrust, he released and collapsed on top of her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and combed her fingers through his silky dark hair. His body was warmer than usual, which was a nice comfort in the nippy room.
"Thank you," she heard herself say before she could stop. Gratitude for sex? How pathetic was she?
"Did I hurt you?" he mumbled against the mattress.
"No." She smiled. "Were you trying?"
"Trying not to kill you, maybe." He rolled over onto his back and off Nayla. "I try to show you I'm like any other man and the wolf in me laughs at my attempt."
She sat up and looked into his now-blue eyes as they glistened from the soft oil lamp light. Her heart fluttered but she reminded herself again that he wasn't what he appeared. "You didn't change into a wolf."
"No, but he's still here, lurking. And he's angry that he hasn't been freed. Hell, I'm angry."
"Why?" What a stupid question, Nayla. Of course he's angry. You're keeping him captive. And for good reason.
He didn't answer her. And she was glad. What was the point in debating?
Instinctively, she turned toward him and admired his handsome profile as he stared up at the ceiling. With strong bone structure and powerful lips, he was any woman's dream man. But he was hers. She'd never allow that fact to change. Hearing him talk about the wolf inside him should have terrified her. But he hadn't made an attempt to pull the boards from the windows and transform. Maybe he wanted to be here with her. Just a little. It was all she could hope for.